Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How The Domino Theory Backfired - 825 Words

How the Domino Theory Backfired Brought up in the 1950s, a theory primarily gave way to a supporting a war started in regards to it. After two world wars had started and ended in the span of less than 50 years, the first half of the 1900s were influenced and shaped by the war and war effort. This was a time in world history ruled by vulnerability, but not long after the end of the infamous world wars, the Cold War followed. This war was an American effort against the Russian to, in part, fight the rise of communism. One of the most notorious wars for America, the only war they ever lost, was the Vietnam War; a branch of the Cold War effort of containment, or at least the effort to stop the spread of communism, was a theory coined as the domino theory. While the theory made sense at the time, in hindsight, it was flawed, and there were other ways to accomplish the what the domino theory was then thought to achieve. The domino theory was defined as the held belief that if one communist country fell, neighboring communist countries would fall with it, and in turn, communism would eventually reach America and take over the world. This was theorized by American foreign policy advisors, but the phrase was popularized after Dwight D. Eisenhower’s use of it in one of his speeches. In this speech, he talked about the importance of American intervention in South Vietnam to allow the creation of a buffer country (South Vietnam), a country or state that stood between a potentiallyShow MoreRelatedU.s Propaganda On Vietnam War1355 Words   |  6 Pagesthe deserters that tried to flee to the country. The motives used in propaganda ranged from hateful to nationalistic. When thinking of power, most people think of United States whether it be financial power or military power. But when looking into how United States got this power and maintains it, you have to look at the ins and outs of its ploys. One thing that plays a key role in this militaristic power is the use of propaganda. The use of propaganda has helped United States out in many ways andRead MoreThe Vietnam War And The United States Of America1766 Words   |  8 Pagesinfluenced by communism, all surrounding nations would follow; this was known as the Domino Theory (Frankel). However, this theory was never proven and was a mere excuse to enter the war. As a result of this ideology, over 58,000 American lives were lost, soldiers were maimed and psychologically scarred, and communism remained in control (Frankel). The most prevalent refutation or disproval of this â€Å"Domino Theory† came in the 1975 communist victory in Vietnam (Frankel). The only consequent spreadRead MoreAmerican Wars Abroad1567 Words   |  7 Pageswent into the war to protect South Vietnam from the North Vietnamese Communists. The U.S. entered the war because of the Truman Doctrine, â€Å"Truman had declared that the United States must help any nation challenged by Communism† (Vietnam War). The Domino Theory, the idea that if one country fell to Communism others soon would follow, was another reason the U.S. was eager to enter the war. America’s intentions when entering the Vietnam War were to prevent further fall to Communism. However, The U.S. didRead MoreRetailing Characteristics of Fast Food Stores and Their Impact on Customer Sales and Satisfaction29639 Words   |  119 Pagescompetition: - Multinational chains arrived in Asia with many years of experience and development in the very competitive environments of their respective countries. Their extensive experience included modern technologies and know-how regarding supply chain management, procurement arrangements, stock optimization, quality standards control, cold storage maintenance, product handling, shelf-life preservation, and consumer services. Consumers enthusiastically received

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Computer Network Security and Firewall Essay example

Principals of Information Security 4th Edition Questions Chapter 6 Questions 1. What is the typical relationship among the untrusted network, the firewall, and the trusted network? The relationship is that data is only limited to what firewalls allow via specific places called â€Å"ports†. There is the untrusted network on the outside, then the firewall which prevents unwanted or suspicious connections, and the trusted network is what lies within the bounds of the firewall. 2. What is the relationship between a TCP and UDP packet? Will any specific transaction usually involve both types of packets? A TCP Packet sends information, and reports back to the sender on progress to assure that information has been sent and received. UDP on†¦show more content†¦8. Describe how the various types of firewalls interact with the network traffic at various levels of the OSI model. Packet filtering firewalls include Static Filtering, dynamic filtering, and stateful inspection filtering these all work at the transport layer of the network. Packet filtering interacts with network traffic to confirm or deny it based on a rule set for a packet going up against a set of rules that is determined. Static filtering is up against a rule set for each packet, dynamic filtering filters packets depending on network traffic and usage limits, and stateful inspection examines packets and verifies where they are coming and going to determine via logs. 9. What is a hybrid firewall? A Hybrid firewall â€Å"combine the elements of other types of firewalls that is, the elements of packet filtering and proxy services, or of packet filtering and circuit gateways.† (POIS P.256) It’s pretty nice because it takes all the network security protocols and kind of combines them in one package so a network can be improved without replacing several different firewall technologies. 10. List the five generations of firewall technology. Which generations are still in common use? 1st Generation: Static packet filtering (going up against a pre-defined set of rules) 2nd Generation: Application level firewalls, which are able to be configured viaShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Ensuring Data Security Accountability Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesIn today’s advanced world of technology, valuable information holds the same amount of worth that of new world currency. Since information is highly important, it is crucial that it remains secured. This is ultimately covered by data security and privacy. Online data is a hacker’s dream, as it holds the ultimate value of materials for these cybercriminals. For example, on a broader scale, banking information can be worth over a thousand dollars depending on the account balance. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Motivation to Work and Values Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Motivation to Work and Values. Answer: Introduction The aspects, which give motivation to do work, are the values and norms around the working environment and the employment, which motivates a person to work. If a company sets conducive values and norms for the employees, which make them easy to follow, motivates the person at work (Russell et al. 2013). The working environment, where the employees can make himself comfortable and finish the task, is another reason for the completion of the work and meeting deadlines motivates the employees automatically to finish their task. Hence, it is significant to focus on the specific theories and its application in relation to this. Discussion In the year 1883, Lafargue in his book wrote that work is termed to be sacred, something, which the one believes in as work, is a religion. Individuals have taken birth out of their passion of work (Berlin 2013). At the same time, it is as well important to see what other theorists have talked about on the aspects, which inspire the person to do work. Karl Marx have seen work as an important driving force which gave birth to the world of capitalism. This idea can be viewed as systematic or materialistic (Manufacturing, economic determinism, technologies, system of accounting, labor division and so forth). Weber on the other believed that there are other forces, which can be described as Normative (Berlin 2013). By going against the idea of Marxism, Weber pointed out that Capitalism always do not contain about material or any types of systematic processes, the mentality is capitalist which is the characteristic of a specific mindset. Therefore, it is important to go deep into the matt er and explore the sites of values and norms (Marx and Engles 2012). The argument of Web stated a link between capitalism and Protestantism which has produced extensive and diverse literature which deals with the effects of the values of religion on the performance of economy and from the idea, the idea has been originated, a perspective of ones work and other activities of economy as the duties given by God. The emphasis have been made on the activities of the world as a way to prove ones faith which has involved gradually through the method of rationalization, which Weber has termed as spirit of Capitalism, it is the idea that working for the sake of gaining is termed to be morally good for itself. Calvinist Teaching on the other hand stated that a person has no power to influence God the people themselves are predestined to work and from the birth, they are embarked for damnation and salvation (Russell et al. 2013). The performance of the good work automatically becomes the real mean by which the real believer can explore their ultimate destination . In the writing of Talcott Parsons, an American sociologist who propounded Systems, also propounded institutionalized individualism where he stated that the work ethics of the protestants have stripped away the religious connotations (Parsons and Sciortino 2015). The important aspect, which motivates the people to work, is that importance of the concepts that the individual carries out its responsibilities in order to come across the institutionalized matters and values of a good and moral society through the system of achieving goals through the mode of individualistic system. The way of defining a better society is a persons matter of choice and the choices of individual, which are not necessarily not the believes of religion or any systems of belief of privatization. The ultimate result is the principles of achievements (Parsons and Sciortino 2015). In the societies of pre modern age, the work is termed as pre given by the belief in religion and how as well was equally prescribed. In order to work is to realize the will of God on the earth and there was no choices of individual in relation to that. The values are not regarded as negotiable or for the choices of individual. However, in the modern society, values have turned secularized; it no more depends upon the will of God but based on the values, which are shared commonly. The actions of the individual are being guided by the principles of achievements. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the theorists have come across certain views regarding their aspects, which motivate people to work where Marx on the other hand talked about the growth of capitalism, which gave birth, to the materialistic idea. However, Weber on the other hand, discussed about the other forces of work, which has determined to motivate people in their working progress. Parsons describe the importance of institutionalism and individualism. Finally, the positive thinking is another important element of motivation for someone to work. References Berlin, I., 2013.Karl Marx. Princeton University Press. Marx, K. and Engels, F., 2012.On religion. Courier Corporation. Parsons, T. and Sciortino, G., 2015.American Society: Toward a theory of societal community. Routledge. Russell, C., Li, K. and Malhotra, P.A., 2013. Harnessing motivation to alleviate neglect.Frontiers in human neuroscience,7.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Essays -

The Lord of the Flies By William Golding The Lord of the Flies By William Golding 1. The Author and His Times William Gerald Golding was born on September 19, 1911 in Cornwall England. His father was a schoolmaster and his mother was a suffragette. His parents had wanted him to study science, so he did from grammar school until the second year of college. After his second year of college, he abandoned the study of science in favor of English literature. He wrote poetry and worked in amateur theater for a while before becoming a teacher where he was at the beginning of World War II. At the start of World War II, he entered the Royal navy and served with distinction on mine sweepers, destroyers, and rocket launchers. He believed that the horrors of World War II can be based on some innate evil which he explores in Lord of the Flies. After the war, he returned to teaching and writing, although had little success getting published. He was able to get Lord of the Flies published and it experienced great success. 2. Form, Structure, and Plot The Lord of the Flies contains twelve titled chapters. The plot is simple and rarely splits into more than one plot lines, although it does sometimes. Occasionally, the story separates from the general group and follows one child. For example, the story followed the first of Jack's hunts into the jungle, and also Simon's wanderings to be alone. One of the techniques he uses in organizing plot is foreshadow. Through the use and manipulation of many symbols, he gives the reader and idea of what is to come foreshadowing future events. 2.5 Outline of Events Exposition - The exposition is basically all of chapter 1 and the first part of chapter 2. The characters are introduced and so is the problem. The readers learn that because of the war, the children was taken to be transported someplace by plane when the place was attacked and crashed on the island. Ralph is made the leader of the entire group and Jack is made the leader of the hunting party. Piggy tries to maintain order. This takes the period of 1 day. Rising action - The rising action starts in the middle of chapter 2 where the boys attempt to make a signal fire but it rages out of control. One of the boys are lost. After this, order is slowly lost and chaos slowly takes its place. Climax / Crises - The climax occurs when order is completely lost, the conch is crush, and Piggy is killed. Jack takes over the group. Falling action - The falling action is the brief period between the time where Jack takes over and the officer arrives. We see the innate evil within the boys which is a reflection of the evil within the entire mankind. Resolution - The jungle catches fire and a naval ship spots the smoke. An officer comes ashore just as Ralph is being hunted by the other boys and all are rescued and taken back into society. 3. Point of View Golding write the novel in the third person perspective. There is one omniscient narrator. Although the book generally follows Ralph, it occasionally breaks off and follows another character for a time. This entire book is autobiographical in that it tells us something the author wants to show us. Golding tries to teach us and warn us of the evil nature of mankind. He says through the book that we are evil and that it is only society that keeps us from committing crimes. 4. Character Golding's characters have a depth and are believable for the somewhat unbelievable situation they are put in. Each character has his own fully developed personality. He does this while maintaining a certain symbolism in the characters. Each characters, while being their own person, symbolizes some idea, but not to the point where the characters are flat. Ralph - Ralph is 12 and one of the older boys on the island. He is the leader throughout most of the book being determined, rational, and understanding. He is dressed as in a typical school uniform, but not as the choir boys. He tries to understand the problem and the people on the island trying to give rational solutions. However, psychologically, he loses faith in the boys and decides that he has little hope to restore order into the island. His purpose is to show the reader through his eyes the degradation of the society on the island, and thereby show the innate evil within man. "This expresses his understanding and caring side." Jack - Jack is also one